Domain of One’s Own [visualized]

This is my contribution to the call for posters to represent the incredible Domain of One’s Own intitiative. cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by Giulia Forsythe I had a lot of visual notes from talks that I wanted to combine into one large visualization as a sort of homage to… Read More »

Data Mine

Another great #etmooc session this eve. Audrey Watters dropped some awesome thought bombs. She posed some challenging questions, as we move beyond the analog manilla envelope (like her mom collected of her school artefacts) into the digital realm and quintillions of bytes are collected daily. How do students, teachers, administrators, schools, and governments decide who… Read More »

UMW Faculty Academy

I had the honour to be invited to speak at University of Mary Washington’s 2012 Faculty Academy in Virginia. Andy Rush did an excellent job of recording the session. The thought of talking straight for an hour terrified me that I’d have a room full of sleeping people, so I tried to incorporate some of… Read More »